Headphones That Just Make Sense
#shorts #tech #soundcore #spaceonepro
Amazon: https://soundcore.tech/A3062gUnk
Soundcore Website: https://soundcore.tech/A3062uGWS
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bro the efifier wn830nb are like 80 bucks have anc and have 94 hours of batery life
Bet dude gets ALL THE BEST toys for free. Im jealous dang it.
But how they sound thou?
If you want to know more of how noise cancellation works, it works by sending a sound wave out that is 180 degrees out of phase so that the two waves superpose destructively and cancel each other out.
I just checked and they cost £150 (191.24$). I think that offer for how good they are is an insainly good price.
You should review Focal Bathys
Gift me this one
White will get dirty , I use oil 😂
Hey! Just a reminder that this short is sponsored by Soundcore – but I want to be super open with what this means:
1. They get to advise on the topics I talk about (not what I say about those topics though)
2. They get to see and approve the script before we film
But it also works the other way around, we reject about 90% of sponsored video requests, because I only want to do a sponsored video on products that I genuinely think are awesome, so:
1. We ask for the product to be sent out to us before agreeing to make the short
2. We test it to make sure we love it first
3. We cancel partnerships with any brand that tries to interfere with my honest opinion
Hope this helps!
Sounds expensive
The sound quality is horrendous. Bought it today and its unacceptable
A comparison to other high end headphones is missing though…
It is unacceptable that Soundcore removed "wear detection" from this flagship model. It’s lesser models (which cost ½ as much) have that feature. What were they thinking? At a premium price point you shouldn’t lose features. I have many Anker/Soundcore devices but refuse to purchase the Space One Pro until they fix this glaring error.
@MrWhosTheBoss, you should try out a pair of Skullcandy Crusher ANC2 headphones. They are on another level
What about the sound quality? Do they have noise bleed (sound leakage)?
I really need this for Christmas. 😢😔
Its 200$:/
Why do they have a wanna be Beats “B”⁉️😂
And the sound quality (which is the main reason I buy audio devices)?
I’ve never been disappointed with any soundcore and anker products
You can get 8hrs of charge with the EarFun Wave Pro in 1 minute.
Old sony WH series headphones get you up to 36 hours with ANC enabled. These headphones were sold few years ago. Meaning, nothing impressing battery wise.
So basically a worse version of the xm5s
headphones review without even saying a word about the sound quality, this guy is a joke.
I have a Soundcore Q35 & it is one of the best budget headphones
I tried some soundcore headphones recently, not these ones though, the sound quality was awful. Bose 700 NC or the expensive Sony xm4 or xm5 are the best headphones currently.
No one cares about the case, how do they sound?
Includes paid promotion
Frequently returned item on Amazon
Unfortunately, sound is my priority in buying headphones. This video didn’t explain. I’ll probably stick to Sony XM4 or 5.
8 hours? Eh.. not so perfect after all…
It’s sound quality and comfort is good but the plastic frame breaks easily from like day to day use in a year
My mom got me a soundcore recently and it’s black. It is so high quality. I love it. I use it when gaming. It’s a Soundcore Life Q20+ SE
They look horrible
What headphones is it❤
Doesn’t say one word about how they sound
Hello could you try to Oraimo boom pop 2?
I’m wearing them rn and they’re trash
Me in the corner with baby blue coloured sound code space one headphones (not pro)
I bought the cheaper ones cus i couldnt afford over 100$ headphones. But wanted the soundcore headphones cus i love my soundcore 2 box and thought the headphones would surely be awesome too but boy i was super wrong they sucked returned like 2 days later. I did a little blind test with my family and passed around all my headphones to ask them which were the best sounding ones..and guess which ones they chose? Wouldnt believe which ones they all picked…i had 6 pair’s of headphones all ranging from like super dirt cheap 16$ headphones to like 280$ pair of headphones…i was shocked yet i totally agreed.
i have these! they’re absolutely amazing!
Well I want it but the problem is it costs 6,000 pounds where am I supposed to get 6,000 pounds
96 seconds for 1 second of charging is INSANE
200 dollars for some headphones is crazy.
But how’s the apund compared to other known top headphones?
Avoiding accidental bad lines po to act not hearing them po.
8hrs for 5mins is insane
Sadly it’s to much bass for me