Every TV Type Explained | OLED, mini-LED, QLED, LCD, LED, QD-OLED & More

Every TV Type Explained | OLED, mini-LED, QLED, LCD, LED, QD-OLED & More

From CRT to QD-OLED with many acronyms in between, the state of the TV market can be intimidating to say the least. In this video we go through nearly every TV type, explain the basics of how each TV type works, and demystify some common misconceptions along the way. Oh, and we try to have fun doing it, too.

๐Ÿ›’ Hisense U7N Mini-LED: https://www.amazon.com/Hisense-65-Inch-Mini-LED-Google-65U7N/dp/B0CY4RD4KT?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ Hisense U8N: https://www.amazon.com/Hisense-55-Inch-Mini-LED-Google-55U8N/dp/B0CY4TQ91Q?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ TCL QM8: https://www.amazon.com/TCL-65QM851G-Accelerator-Streaming-Television/dp/B0CZM7LZCM?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ Sony Bravia 7: https://www.amazon.com/Sony-Exclusive-Features-Playstation%C2%AE5-K-65XR70/dp/B0CVQ4FQJ9?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ Panasonic W95A: https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-65-inch-Amazon-Dimming-Refresh/dp/B0D8RYJYB8?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
Samsung QN90D: https://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-Tracking-Xcelerator-Enhancer-QN98QN90D/dp/B0CV9GM5L3?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ Sony Bravia 9: https://www.amazon.com/Sony-Exclusive-Features-Playstation-K-65XR90/dp/B0CVQB2D6C?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ LG C4 OLED: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVS18PH9?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ Samsung S90D OLED: https://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-Tracking-Xcelerator-Enhancer-Upscaling/dp/B0CV9L3R7V?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ LG G4 OLED: https://www.amazon.com/LG-55-Inch-Processor-AI-Powered-OLED55G4SUB/dp/B0CVS2TCWR?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ Samsung S95D OLED: https://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-Tracking-Xcelerator-Enhancer-Upscaling/dp/B0CV9BPF93?&tag=dt-video-yt-20
๐Ÿ›’ Sony A95L: https://amzn.to/3FoA3nM
๐Ÿ›’ Panasonic Z95A OLED: https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-65-inch-Adaptive-Refresh-Hands-Free/dp/B0D8S2D1CZ?&tag=dt-video-yt-20

Read more at digitaltrends.com:
QLED vs. OLED: https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/qled-vs-oled-tv/
What is QD-OLED? https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/qd-oled-hybrid-display-technology-fully-explained/
LED vs. LCD TVs explained: https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/led-vs-lcd-tvs/
4K TV buying guide: https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/4k-tv-buying-guide/
The best TV brands of 2023: https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/best-tv-brands/
What is a laser TV? https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/whats-is-laser-tv/

00:00 Intro
02:03 CRT
02:44 Rear Projection
03:21 Plasma
04:17 Emissive Displays
05:04 LCD
05:52 LED
06:28 OLED
08:02 QLED
09:41 mini-LED
12:50 micro-LED
14:43 Emissive Quantum Dot Displays



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  1. Okay TV-Boy you said you would explain EVERY TV type but failed to explain MLA-OLED, and QD-OLED so you get a thumbs down!

  2. You forgot OLED burn-in. That was a big negative. And that organic colors like reds break down with UV over time. Plasmas also had bad burn in and often leaked gas over time.

  3. Hi just discovered this channel. Your presentations are really informative and make for a gripping view. Thanks subscribed

  4. I’ve been at this pro AV game for over 40 years now and holy Moses old man, it’s time for a lie down. Great video Caleb, thank you…

  5. CRTs beamed ELECTRONS (cathode rays) not photons which energized phosphors causing them to emit photons (light).

    Four by three IS NOT A SQUARE, it is a rectangle, squares have all sides tge same length.

  6. Sorry Caleb, you are remiss when you did not proclaim the truth,
    That OLED is by far the most superior display technology ever created.
    Are you also afraid of Samsung???

    **OLED TV always lacked mass appeal until 2019 purely because it was an LG proprietary technology/manufacturing and somehow, they’re really bad at promoting their brand and technology.**
    EVEN The current OLED adoption is snowballing word of mouth sales.

    **Samsung got into an ego fight with LG/OLED technology for not having called dibs on OLED first**
    They tried to overrun a far superior technology by pouring billions into their marketing and promotion of LED Tv iterations
    While silently adopting OLED in smartphones.
    until finally bowing out, and getting into the OLED camp subtly by again renaming it to QD-OLED.
    what a sham!

    OLED offers The best colors, the best contrast and hey, infinite blacks.
    Yes its little expensive (though older models ares selling at throwaway prices during holidays)
    to be fair, the only chinks in the armor were burn-in and Low brightness which have been addressed in the newer OLEDs.
    **So dear reader, if not yet, please please buy OLED, instead of saving few hundred bucks on a crappy LED, you’ll never regret it.**

  7. Every tv fans Dream tvs are kinda like people with like Robots the logo maybe house like front of house like spongebob thing lol

  8. Hey everyone! I did indeed screw up! Kind of. I forgot to mention Neo QLED, which is Samsungโ€™s marketing name for mini-LED QLED, which we covered. But also QNED, which is/was a marketing name from LG, which also is a mini-LED QLED of sorts, even though QNED was meant to be a completely different future display tech. Sorry I didnโ€™t manage to cram those into this video! But hopefully this is still of some value to those who watch. Thanks for all the great comments so far!

  9. Two questions I could use some feedback on. 1. We are currently in the process of upgrading our tv to a "smart" type of tv and cancelling our cable to view via internet. How would you suggest is the best way to record shows now that we will no longer have a DVR? 2. Many of the tv’s we are looking at come with either smart tv or google tv in your opinion is one better than the other? What is the difference?

  10. One thing I wish was mentioned is relative burn-in as I use my TV for movies , gaming and as a computer monitor for home use , not business . I’ve read the mini led QLED is safest ?

  11. It would have been nice to let us know which ones are the best bang for our buck. Because q-led, q-led mini, oled, it is all confusing

  12. this course is still valid to day just an update on price a china brand 2-4 months ago from post update launched an 100 ft + TV for 1500 that uses the premium micro led lights so you can get away with not spending 3-6 grand for an top of the variant that’s akin to TLC brand import due to it being an china brand tv id highly recommend having an 2 year warranty on it.

  13. SAMSUNG is will soon release a TV that will replace the Organic chemicals on diodes with Gallium Nitride. They will be calling it Gallium Nitride LED hope they will release it soon and it will be more durable than OLED

  14. As much as I enjoy watching your video at the end I prefer the Omelette ! Thatโ€™s right Iโ€™m gonna make myself some omeletteโ€ฆ. So hungry I could eat a. Tv screen .๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  15. These new types of TVs, will never last as long as my trusty Panasonic 50 inch Plasma. Mine is 16 years old now and has just has just as bright of picture as it did when it was new. Has great black level, and plenty of brightness, and plenty of detail. Most everyone I know of that bought a led/lcd back lit TV, have replaced them about every 5 years. (planned obsolescence). Back lights seem to fail quite commonly. Also these newer smart TVs now come with bundled advertising, which I try to avoid. Also being their connected to the web, they spy on you as well. My Plasma is a "dumb" TV and I prefer it that way. One can always stream from your computer or Roku box. Streaming from the computer gives me chances of skipping over a lot of advertising. BTW, my Panasonic Plasma gets a lot of usage, and is still going strong.

  16. Honestly all the leds and lcds look the same. Only the oled at least looks a bit better. But honestly the best was plasma. Despite the burn in issue nothing came close to its stunning picture quality. Evel dlp was meh with its rainbow problem

  17. All right…..Not a video trying to look like something it’s not. General people trying to look like big time …blahs
    Your information and presentation was very well put together, paused it often creating my own now knowledge source
    viewing book. We have right now 2 SAMSUNG 50 inch tv’s . Both GARBAGE…here’s why – one in living room went black after 3 year
    just watching a tv show. I did restore it by pressing the hidden switch bottom right side and everything disconnected and disconnected
    from wall electric for over 2 minutes. It worked so I re added the cable line and weeks go by…Fixed….NOPE it did it again and this time
    Nothing known is working to get it from light blue to black screen on and off. 3 freaking years !! I have a Sony 27 inch tube now over 35 years and still working ! So another Samsung 50 inch was bought, put it in place and there are looped lines at top and below..called Samsung. ARE YOU READY, sitting?! Samsung said we’ll send a tech since you purchased an additional 5 year warranty. They take all the information address, phone to call, email Everything even repeated to see all is heard correctly ! Set a date and time for tech to show up.
    Yesterday Saturday November 16th, between 11:00 AM to 5:00PM No follow up, nothing. We sat waiting, and waiting at 4PM I called
    " Where is this TECH ????! " He’s schedualled to 5:00PM at your address she said LOOKIN AT HER SCREEN INFO !!! They NEVER CALLED,
    SAMSUNG NEVER CAME, NOTHING. We wasted a weekend day for this Abuse, this MISMANAGED BS…now will be filling our ears with BS
    EXCUSES……You tell me, sending a Tech at $$$$$$$ that doesn’t show, or call, wasting time to damage the company here on social media
    makes MORE SENSE then me bring the TV BACK WHERE I BOUGHT IT with the 5 YEAR WARRANTY and simply show the problem easily seen and get a NEW ONE…….Customer satisfied, not disturbed by WARRANTY wasting time and money and the world reading this about them. NEVER CALLED NEVER SHOWED< NOTHING…I guess the Customer isn’t a priority……!!! Now YOU’RE NOT….!! 2 Samsung 50 inch TVS one 3 years one brand new……BOTH Dumpster hero’s along with Samsung CUSTOMER SERVICE !!

  18. Fantastic. You are a phenom at remaining personal and dynamic, I might never have seen anything as invitingly and laidback yet detailed and informative. I now am able to reason and separate, after just thinking "tv is a mess, all those panels", when it really is not. Awesome, thanks.

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