How Noise-Canceling Headphones Work

How Noise-Canceling Headphones Work

Noise-cancelling headphones have become pretty popular over the last decade or so β€” here’s how they work. The concept actually dates back to 1978 when Dr. Amar Bose, an MIT professor, created the idea on a flight he was on.

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How Noise-Canceling Headphones Work


  1. It’s pretty damn incredible that the headphones can determine the soundwaves that it precisely needs to cancel out and then create the canceling waves in real-time …. amazing this isn’t just science fiction.

  2. I have horrible neightbors who constantly listen to loud music, good luck calling the police here in Mexico to tell them to keep quiet! So I’m guessing noise cancelling headphones are the best way to go, I wonder if they would help at all

  3. I just had a question I needed answered and I got WAY more than I wanted…long story short I skipped the video and will be going to chat gpt

  4. I don’t know why I misheard from my AirPods saying it’s hose, isn’t it Bose! Amar Bose πŸ˜…

  5. Tried a noise cancelling headphone. I felt like it created vacuum first and then played the sound. I had a feeling similar of sitting in a plane where the ears get numb. Sony noise cancelling headphones. The w series

  6. I would only wear noise canceling headphones in the comfort of my home, I think it’s a bad idea to wear them in public.

  7. its crazy when certain sounds make it through it messes with the way my brain reads the room if only someone tapped into the kind of tech and brain manipulation you would be unstoppable…….. dot dot dot
    hard dot ….

  8. So do they lower the decibels that contact your ear or are they doubling the decibels when they neutralize the sound with another sound wave?

  9. I’m using my Sony WH-CH720N wireless headphones. They’re noise cancelling abilities are really good. This video was interesting, as I did wonder how the NC feature works exactly. πŸ‘

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  11. I have a question actually. Does this noise cancelling headphones work while some song is played on the headphone and you won’t be hearing anything except for that song or it happens like that nothing is being played on the headphones and even then you won’t be hearing anything while wearing it, like it can help you studying or when you want silence in noisy places ???????

  12. This still doesn’t explain how you physically can not hear. Does it play the frequency in your ears? Like how does the mat hing frequency stop

  13. so why my ears are slightly hurting like the air pressure when riding on a plane, every time when im using my earpods?

  14. I freaked out a little when I first put my noise cancelling earbuds on. When I put the first one in I could still hear everything. When I put the second one in everything went quiet and I thought my fish aquariums stopped working because my air bubblers and pumps were dead silent. Took the earbuds out and was like oh wow 😲 I really like them

  15. The problem also is: the headphone has to listen first and then can create the opposite soundwave , so you always have some latency, hence it’s impossible to get a 0 volume of noise

  16. I have a pair of the Bose Quiet Comfort 2 earbuds, and wow, the noise cancelation on those is absolutely amazing. I recently was on a flight, and while is still could hear the place engines, it wasn’t nearly as loud. I ended up just using them to dampen the sound while I read a book rather than listen to anything.

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